Industry-driven studies is a platform for multinational clinical research in Ophthalmology in Europe and a useful Industry resource in order to support the development of new drugs, medical devices and explore different therapeutic in ophthalmology. complies with the European and International Directives for clinical research, according to harmonised Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in order to strengthen the capacity of the European Union to explore the determinants of ophthalmic diseases and to develop and optimise the use of diagnostic, prevention and treatment approaches in ophthalmology.

Ongoing Industry-Driven Studies

1. nº NCT01998412

IRISS – An open label, registry study of the safety of ILUVIEN® (fluocinolone acetonide 190 micrograms intravitreal implant in applicator)

Participating Centres (40): Portugal (4), Germany (8), United Kingdom (28)

Sponsor: Alimera


Positioning at the Ophthalmology Research in Europe serves as a fundamental resource for the development of translational research and particularly Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Innovation in the European Union in Ophthalmology.